From the recording UN-United Nations BLUE

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Charlie Chaplin worked from Hollywood but was entirely self-funded.



Ian Cooper/Al Steele/James Warren

Someday you'll find another need for me
Someday I'll shine once more among the stars you'll see
Till someday comes again I'll wait
For when the world says I belong
Like Michelangelo, I'll chip away
At the shape of a brand new song

Judge me
on my quest for truth
Not my stumbling
search to find my one true love

Someday they'll see, talking only goes so far
Someday you'll know, our actions make us who we are
We think too much and feel too slow
To stop the evil that men do
The Great Dictator only seeks to show
He can break the fourth wall in two


Someday you'll find
Someday I'll shine
Someday they'll see
Someday you'll know